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July 14, 2017


Sorry, guys.  I've been a little busy lately, having a baby and all! 😂  Baby Nolan is 2 months old now!  Hannah is a great big sister and everything is finally settling down.

Big sister Hannah and baby Nolan

It was a very weird school year for me.  I ended up being put on "modified bedrest" in February and actual bedrest in April before Nolan was born in May.  He's such a great baby!  He is very calm and content, which is perfect because his sister is not!

I went back to school on the last day and it was hard to walk into my classroom with my kids and not be their teacher.  Bittersweet, would have been the best word.  The time I got to spend with my babies (and am still spending) is some of the happiest times I've ever had.  But man, I missed those kids.

Giving up control is apparently really hard for me, and it's not something I realized until I had to give up all the control of my classroom and hand it to someone else.  You pour your heart, soul, tears, and countless hours into the running of your classroom only to give it all up!

I love, love, love this time I get to spend with my babies.  But I'd be flat out lying if I said that I'm not itching to get back in the classroom.